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Midall & Stones
Electrical Services
443-445 Sheffield Road

National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting - Approved Contractor

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3. Responsibilities for individuals

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The individuals are identified in Appendix 1 of this policy document relative to the job descriptions.

3.1 Directors
3.2 Health & Safety Co-ordinator
3.3 Health & Safety Consultants
3.4 Project Managers
3.5 Site Supervisors
3.6 Site Operatives
3.7 Sub-Contractors
3.8 Office Staff


3.1 Directors

  • The provision of adequate resources to secure compliance with the requirements of the Health & Safety Policy at all places of work.
  • The provision of reasonable allowances in tenders for Health and Safety measures.
  • Setting a personal example and acknowledging suggestions for improvement in safety organisation where and when appropriate.
  • Receiving from the Health and Safety Consultants and the Health and Safety Co-ordinator accident reports for the company and ad-hoc reports of serious incidents when they occur. Responding with the health and Safety Co-ordinator to prevent the repetition of the incidents.
  • When appropriate initiating disciplinary action against management and staff at all levels who have failed to comply with their duties under the Health and Safety Policy or statutory requirements.
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3.2 Health and Safety Co-ordinator

  • Liaise with the Health and Safety Consultants as required.
  • Recommend measures to secure compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety Policy at all places of work. Adequate resources to be made available by the Directors.
  • The provision of reasonable allowances for health and Safety measures. Setting a personal example and acknowledging suggestions for improvement in safety organisation where and when appropriate.
  • Receiving accident reports for the company and ad-hoc reports of serious incidents when they occur and taking action to notify the relevant authorities in the proper manner and prevent repetition of the incidents.
  • Hold documentation for accidents, dangerous occurrences and notifiable diseases and conditions, as the person in charge of office-held health and safety documentation.
  • When appropriate initiating disciplinary action against management and staff at all levels who have failed to comply with their duties under the Health & Safety Policy or statutory requirements.
  • Reporting to the Director responsible for Health and Safety all accidents and any other matters that affect the company in respect of Health and Safety.
  • Assuming the role of Training, First Aid and Fire Co-ordinator and appointing deputies as necessary.
  • The compilation of All Risks Assessments relating to Health and Safety legislation.

In the event that the Health and Safety Co-ordinator is unavailable for any reason, the Health and Safety Consultants will assume the additional duties of the Health and Safety Co-ordinator for the Company.

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3.3 Health and Safety Consultants

  • Advising on occupational health and safety matters as they affect the company operations and monitoring compliance with statutory provisions to which the company is subject and with statutory provisions to which the company is subject and with the company's safety rules and codes.
  • Investigating accidents and dangerous occurrences and cases of ill-health which appear to result from working conditions and advising the Health and Safety Co-ordinator when requested.
  • Dealing with statutory and professional bodies involved in occupational health and safety when requested.
  • Advising the training requirements for health and safety for all staff, specific to their needs if requested to do so.
  • Monitoring both office and site conditions, providing audits and documentation and equipment as necessary.
  • Supplying an annual Health and Safety Policy update to the Director responsible for Health and Safety.
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3.4 Project Managers

  • Knowledge of and compliance with the Company's Health and Safety Policy consistent with his responsibilities and the proper delegation of responsibilities to sub-ordinate staff.
  • Determine at the project planning stage.
  • The most appropriate order and method of working.
  • The provision of suitable and sufficient welfare and sanitary facilities.
  • Any unusual hazards which might arise from the work, and complete risk assessments and method statements as necessary.
  • Allocate any additional responsibilities as necessary.
  • Requirements for taking necessary fire precautions.
  • Requirements for sufficient first-aid facilities.
  • Ensuring that work is carried out and that current legislation and the Health and Safety Policy are observed on site.
  • Setting a personal example by wearing appropriate protective clothing, equipment and observing safety precautions and practices.
  • Examination at site meetings or visits as appropriate, all statutory registers held on site including accident books.
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure that only competent and, where necessary, certified sub-contractors work on site.
  • Ensuring, before they start work on site, that all sub-contractors site staff have adequate knowledge of the contractors are notified in writing of any breaches of statutory provisions or the Health and Safety Policy and that they take remedial action promptly.
  • Ensuring that the safety performance of sub-contractors is notified to the Health and Safety Co-ordinator and that any site audit reports are communicated to the relevant sub-contractors.
  • Discussing safety on a regular basis at site meetings and bringing to the attention of the client or Client's Representative and their staff, where appropriate, the safety implications of the requirements or instructions.
  • Ensuring that site staff have safety training commensurate with their responsibilities.
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3.5 Site Supervisors

  • An adequate knowledge of and compliance with the Health and Safety policy and regulations consistent with their responsibilities.
  • Drawing to the attention of the Health and Safety Co-ordinator to any special requirements on the contract.
  • Supervising the compliance by all employees and other persons on site with the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan (if applicable) and other statutory requirements.
  • Supervising compliance of all employees and sub-contractors with Company Policy.
  • Promoting safe conduct at work.
  • Instructing subordinate staff in their responsibilities for ensuring safe operations and work methods.
  • Planning and carrying out activities on the site as to eliminate, so far as reasonably practicable, situations liable to be hazardous to Health or Safety of all persons on site and the public. Particular attention should be paid to keeping the site tidy.
  • Ensure that hazards from material stacking, positioning of plant and installation of electricity supply are eliminated.
  • Ensure that the supplied fire precaution appliances (extinguishers and alarms etc) are maintained on site as necessary.
  • Ensure that adequate first-aid facilities are available during all working hours.
  • Informing the Project Manager of any changes in the safety training needs of site staff or other employees.
  • Accompanying wherever possible or appointing a suitable person to accompany the Health and Safety Inspector, Fire Prevention officer or other authorised persons on site inspections and acting on their competent recommendations.
  • Ensuring that instructions are issued to employees in their charge concerning identified needs for personal protective equipment to be worn, and that suitable equipment is provided and training given in use, maintenance and storage.
  • Ensuring that regular maintenance is carried out on plant and equipment including externally hired plant and that repairs are carried out promptly by fitters authorised by the Plant Manager or by the Hire Company. Also ensuring that for all plant subject to statutory inspection a current test certificate is supplied to the site along with the plant.
  • Reporting to the Health and Safety consultant, Project Manager and Health and Safety Co-ordinator all accidents and dangerous occurrences. Additionally reporting to the Project Manager any problem that arises on site.
  • Ensuring that sub-contractors work safely, are provided with a safe place of work and means of access and egress where the company is responsible and that sub-contractors do not endanger Company employees and others through their actions or omissions.
  • Ensuring by visual inspection, that plant and equipment brought to site by sub-contractors is of good construction, free from latent defect and is provided with statutory documentation. In cases where plant and equipment is hired from another company, ensuring as far as is reasonably practicable, that it is safe and without risks to health and that where such plant is subject to statutory inspection copies of current test certificates are supplied to the site along with the plant.
  • Commending the action of sub-contractors who by their actions or initiative they eliminate potential hazards.
  • Describing safety measures to be used when issuing work orders.
  • Restraining men from taking unnecessary risks and ensuring those new employees, particularly apprentices and young persons are aware of hazards and the need to take safety precautions. Requesting safety training when considered necessary.
  • Banning irresponsible behaviour totally and reporting to the Project Manager for disciplinary action those who consistently fail to consider their own safety or that of others.
  • Setting a personal example in the use of tools and equipment in wearing protective clothing and equipment.
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3.6 Site Operatives

  • Observing safe working practices as advised and instructed.
  • Maintain a personal concern for Health and Safety and the consideration for others (particularly newcomers and young people) who might be affected by their acts or omissions.
  • Using the correct tools and equipment for the job and ensuring that safety equipment and protective clothing are used.
  • Keeping tools and equipment in good condition and reporting to the Supervisor any defects in plant, tools or any equipment that is being used.
  • Avoiding any improvisation which would create unnecessary risk.
  • Suggesting ways of eliminating hazards and warning other employees of any known hazards.
  • Refrain from irresponsible behaviour and the abuse of welfare facilities.
  • Being aware of notices posted in the workplace offering information and advice.
  • Report incidents which have led or may lead to injury.
  • Co-operate with all investigations of any incidents.
  • Set a personal example in the use of tools and equipment in wearing protective clothing and equipment.
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3.7 Sub-contractors

  • All sub-contractors will be expected to comply with the Company Policy for Health, Safety and Welfare and must ensure that their own Company Policy is made available whilst work is carried out.
  • All work must be carried out in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions and taking into account the safety of others on the site and the general public.
  • Scaffolding used by sub-contractors employees (even when scaffold is erected for other contractors) must be inspected by their employer or a competent person appointed by their employer to ensure that it is erected and maintained in accordance with the Regulations and Codes of Practice.
  • Sub-contractors employees are not permitted to alter any scaffold provided for their use or interfere with any plant or equipment on the site unless authorised.
  • All plant and equipment brought onto site by sub-contractors must be safe and in good condition, fitted with any necessary guards and safety devices and with any necessary certificates available for checking.
  • No power tools or electrical equipment of greater voltage than 110 volts may be brought onto site. All transformers, generators, extension leads, plugs and sockets must be to the latest British Standards for industrial use, and in good condition.
  • Any injury sustained or damage caused by a sub-contractors' employees must be reported immediately to the Site Supervisor.
  • Site operatives must comply with any safety instruction given by the Site Supervisor.
  • Any material or substance brought on site which as health, fire or explosion risks must be used and stored in accordance with manufacturers instructions, regulations and current recommendations and that information must be provided to the Site Supervisor.
  • Sub-contractors are particularly asked to note that work places must be kept tidy and all debris, waste materials etc, are cleared as works proceed.
  • A detailed method statement will be required from sub-contractors involving high risk activities, e.g. asbestos removal, steel erection, demolition, roofing, entry into confined spaces, deep excavations etc. The method statement must be agreed with the Company Representative before work begins and copies made available on site so that compliance with the agreed Method Statement can be maintained. (Copy to be included within the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan).
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3.8. Office Staff
  • Evacuating the area under their control in accordance with the written duties in event of fire or emergency.
  • Checking daily that escape routes are clear of obstructions and exit doors function correctly.
  • Carrying out and recording a weekly emergency light test and fire alarm test as necessary.
  • Reporting all hazards to the Health and Safety Co-ordinator.
  • Returning monthly the completed record sheet to the Health and Safety Co-ordinator.
  • Being aware of staff and visitors under their control.
  • Informing new staff and visitors of emergency procedures.
  • Attending training courses arranged by the Health and Safety Co-ordinator.
  • Adequate knowledge of and compliance with the Health & Safety Policy.
  • Knowledge of fire/emergency evacuation procedures posted on all notice boards.
  • Awareness of first aid arrangements and the identities of first aiders in the working area.
  • Good housekeeping in the workplace.
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